
DevOps Development and Applications Manager

מס' המשרה: 22140

שם המשרה: DevOps Development and Applications Manager

אזור: גוש דן

תיאור של המשרה:
A leading financial organization in the center  is seeking a R&D  Manager to  join his team
Job Description:

Extensive and proven knowledge in managing website and application development.
Experience in managing large development teams of over 25 people, using parallel development processes.
Expertise in implementing and using CI/CD tools and processes.
In-depth experience working with Agile development methodologies, alongside familiarity with Waterfall methodology.
Proven experience in developing and managing applications and websites using advanced development tools.
Significant knowledge and experience in banking and financial systems.
Relevant academic education (degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field).

Key Responsibilities:

Lead large and diverse development teams to meet company goals.
Plan and implement development and DevOps strategies to improve efficiency and quality of outputs.
Manage complex projects from start to finish, meeting deadlines and budgets.
Implement advanced work methods and continuously improve work processes.
Collaborate with other departments to ensure smooth integration of systems and processes.

Required Skills:

Proven leadership and employee motivation abilities.
Excellent communication skills, including the ability to explain technical topics to various audiences.
Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
Excellent analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Quick adaptability to new technologies and methodologies.

If you have rich experience in development and DevOps, with a proven ability to manage large teams and complex projects, we invite you to apply for this challenging position.

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